Mickey has been on our team since 1996 is currently in his twentieth season serving players as the chaplain for the Chicago White Sox.

Mickey was drafted in 1982 by the New York Mets and pitched for fifteen seasons. He had parts of five years in the MLB with the Orioles, Blue Jays, Phillies, and Mets. He later went on to become a pitching coach in the Mets organization for three seasons. Mickey was inducted into the Rochester Red Wings Hall of Fame (Triple-A affiliate of the Orioles) with the lowest E.R.A. (1.98) in the history of the franchise (which spans over a hundred years).

Mickey went on his first mission trip with UPI in 1986 to South Korea. That trip changed the trajectory of his life. He has since traveled to work in partnership with missionaries and local churches in over forty countries around the world. His wife, Lisa, serves the women in professional baseball as the Women’s Ministry Coordinator for Baseball Chapel and as the Women’s Bible Study leader for the White Sox. Mickey and Lisa have also served together on the board of directors of Pro Athletes Outreach for over thirty years.